Pledge #SayNoToPlastic and not use plastic bottled water but instead filter & bottle your own, at home, in offices or while travelling even. This makes an immediate positive impact of reducing plastic waste and best-foot forward in creating sustainable environment.In house filtration is the most eco-friendly way to provide quality drinking water, also it helps save money moving away from expensive bottled water to tap water.
It is ideal for all, including the hospitality sectors: hotels, restaurants, conference centers, offices and educational establishments.
Why are such measures important to be implemented?
Bitter Truth: Plastic strangles our environment to slow painful death :( Isn't it enough a reason to shun use of ONE-Time Plastic Bottles
Be aware that plastic releases harmful chemicals into the surrounding soil, which can then seep into groundwater or other surrounding water sources and also the ecosystem. This can cause serious harm to the species that drink the water.
On top of this, the plastic packaging is carelessly thrown away either to be in landfills for life or end-up at a sea-bed endangering marine life.
Remember, what goes round comes around! The plastic in water channels is consumed by those fishes which humans eat, and guess what? we are in-turn eating that plastic through our food.
Studies reveal that 70% of litter on beaches comprises plastic, with items such as straws, cups, and stirrers making up 20%. The marine environment is highly disturbed due to this atrocity!
Human beings, please be responsible. Sustainability is the only way to live! And let (our future generation) live
Fact File #1: In Dubai, on average, a resident uses 450 plastic water bottles annually. This makes Dubai one of the largest consumers of plastic bottled drinking water.
Fact File #2: According to a report presented in the World Government Summit in February 2019, 11 billion plastic bags are used annually in the UAE, which is the equivalent of 1,184 plastic bags per person per year compared to a global average of 307 plastic bags per person per year.
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What to do? Where to start from?
Don’t Consume Bottled Water. Don't Accept Plastic Bag Period
Instead use RO Filters at home. And carry your own glass/steel bottle and cloth bag while going out for work/shopping.
Need more reason to #SayNoToPlastic?
Fact File #3: Tests on major brands of bottled water have found that nearly all of them contained tiny particles of plastic.
The Experiment Details: In the largest investigation of its kind, 250 bottles bought in nine different countries were examined. Research led by journalism organization Orb Media discovered an average of 10 plastic particles per liter, each larger than the width of a human hair.
Companies whose brands were tested told the BBC that their bottling plants were operated to the highest standards.