All the materials you will ever need for network marketing:
The Simplest And Most Effective Strategy To Literally Skyrocket Your Business...
Dear Network Marketer, This Will Change The Game...
What If There Was A Proven Formula To Recruit People Without Prospecting Them And Build An International Team Without Leaving Home?
Well, there is!
5-Step Success Formula Revealed

Let us ask you this:
- Do YOU Want A Proven Way To Never Run Out Of People To Talk To And Attract Highly Targeted Prospects To You Every Single Day?
- Do YOU Want A Proven Way To Build Your Network Marketing Business Internationally, Without Having To Leave Your Home?
- Do YOU Want A Proven Way To Achieve Massive Duplication In Your Team, So You Can Make Money Even While You Travel Or Sleep?
- Do YOU Want A Proven Way To Finally Achieve Massive Financial & Time Freedom?
...if you answered "YES" to one (or all) of these questions, then we urge you to set everything else aside and study every word on this page as if your life depends on it.
Because the truth is…
The success of your Network Marketing business does!
In fact, we created the 5-Step Success Formula to help you recruit more reps into your MLM business WITHOUT having to prospect a single person, so you can finally achieve all the goals you set when you decided to join this amazing profession.
“People Don’t Have The Time To Drive
2 Hours To A Meeting...Be 2 Hours In The Meeting...Then Drive 2 Hours Home…
...Only To Get A Big Fat 'NO'! ”
We are now over a DECADE into the 21st century, and the truth of the matter is that people don’t have the time to drive 2 hours to a 2 hours in the meeting...then drive 2 hours home…
...only to get a Big Fat 'NO'!
With what we have at our disposal today, it’s INSANE to continue and rely on these dying and quite frankly, painful tactics, and not leverage the technology we have at our finger tips.
Nowadays all the big businesses are being built online and you'll be leaving A LOT of money on the table if you don't find a proven way to exploit the power and leverage of the Internet and Social Media...
But don’t worry, you don’t need to be a tech-savvy. If you have a Facebook account, then it’s more than enough.
Actually, you’re probably already using Facebook for your business purposes, but very likely you are just transferring traditional prospecting to the Internet and using time-wasting ineffective strategies, like:
- Contacting family members or friends to introduce them your opportunity...
- Spamming FB groups with your copied-and-pasted messages...
- Sending friend requests to complete strangers that look sharp and asking them to join your team...
- Continuously posting images and videos about the “amazing” product or company you promote...
We know all of them because we used them all, and with little or no results.
We bet if we had continued that way, Facebook would have permanently shut down our account.
Hopefully you still have got your account, so you can apply the following proven strategy to recruit without actually prospecting a single person. And if you haven’t got one yet, make it now! :)
"Why Do We Want To Reveal You Our
5-Step Success Formula?"
The reason is actually very simple...
We spent countless hours and thousands of dollars to figure out a simple and efficient way to leverage the power of the n.1 Social Media out there (Facebook obviously :P).
But we don't want you to have to recreate the wheel.
We don't want you to spend countless hours and thousands of dollars like we did.
We want you to get RESULTS...RIGHT NOW!
That's why we created the 5-Step Success Formula and we want to reveal it all to you...
Sound cool?
So, let's dive into each one of the 5 Steps...

STEP 01 - Setting Up
("The Success Of Your Business Is Determined By The FOUNDATIONS That You Set")
You never get a second chance to make a first impression, and this is particularly true on Social Media.
If your Facebook Profile or your Fan Page is not properly set up, you'll inevitably repel your potential prospects and then WILL NOT come back to your pages or check out your content, ever again.
That's why STEP 01 is all about creating the perfect Facebook Profile or Fan Page to make sure that everyone will look up to you as an authority and expert in your field, and you'll finally become the hunted instead of the hunter.

Simon Chan
Founder & CEO of MLM Nation
"Frazer Brookes is one of the upcoming super superstars in MLM. When I interviewed him on MLM Nation, I was impressed with the amount of wisdom, experience and leadership he has at such a young age. He is very precocious and I’m sure we will just hear more and more of him in the upcoming years."

STEP 02 - Value
("The Person Who Gives The Most Value...Wins!")
We are naturally attracted to people who provide value to others.
Look at Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Darren Hardy, Gary Vaynerchuk, Robert Kiyosaki,... They are attractive characters (and make millions of $) because they continuously add value in other people's lives.
STEP 02 is crucial if you want to build your own tribe, a loyal following that knows, likes and trusts you, and that is eager to buy ANYTHING you mention.
"Frazer Brookes is a legend. Being second generation Network Marketer, he knows and understands the business because it is in his DNA.
This allows him the ability to teach and coach others the psychology of what it takes to be successful.
I’ve had the privilege of working with Frazer on a Social Media project and his input was invaluable and went beyond my initial outcome and expectation.
I still continue to go to Frazer when I have questions about Network Marketing and Social Media, and am grateful for his continued support."
I still continue to go to Frazer when I have questions about Network Marketing and Social Media, and am grateful for his continued support."

Margaret Irving
Content Developer for Eric Worre,
Event Manager for Tony Robbins

STEP 03 - Connect
("Turn The Stranger Into A Friend")
If you've done STEP 01 and STEP 02 correctly, you'll have dozens of people per week (or even per day) sending you friend requests, messages or asking you for more 'info' about what you do.
You then need to CONNECT with your potential partners because Network Marketing, at the end of the day, is RELATIONSHIP Marketing.
Use Messenger, call them or ask them to hop on a video-chat, so you can get to know them better and ask valuable questions.
If you want long term success, you have to develop long term relationships, and this is why STEP 03 is absolutely fundamental.

Tom "Big Al" Schreiter
Best Selling Author,
Network Marketing Top Earner & Icon
"Frazer grew up in network marketing.
It is part of him.
Having shared the stage with Frazer,
it is great to hear his wisdom and trainings. Enthusiasm on steroids."
it is great to hear his wisdom and trainings. Enthusiasm on steroids."

STEP 04 - Develop The Connection
("Turn The Friend Into A Family Member")
Timing is everything and STEP 04 is all about timing.
Your potential partner will join when THEY feel it's right.
In fact, sales statistics show that 80% of the sales are made on the fifth to twelfth contact.
That's why you need to consistently touch base with them and don't give up after the first message, call or video-chat.
"I had built a team of 156,000 distributors in my Network Marketing business in the 90s using newspaper advertising, but times have changed.
Using Frazer's and Vincenzo's Facebook strategies I am generating more leads than ever before,
for much less."
for much less."

Simon & Julie Brookes
8 Figure Network Marketing Earners

STEP 05 - Close
("Get A New Customer, Distributor, Leader")
Closing is what usually scares the majority of people.
But this will actually become the EASIEST step, if you've followed and applied all the previous four.
So now it's time to just got a new customer, distributor or potential LEADER in your team!
Countless Network Marketers From All Over The World Are Already Applying The 5-Step Success Formula In Their Business, And This Is What Some Of Them Are Saying...


Frazer Brookes
Network Marketing Professional,
Multiple 6-Figure Earner,
Free Facebook Strategies Expert
Frazer Brookes is a second generation Network Marketing Professional. Having seen his parents earn over $14,000,000 from the industry the old school way, he decided to build his empire using online strategies.
After going through his warm market and getting rejection after rejection he turned to Facebook. Over a 5 year period he had sponsored over 500 people, and developed a team of over 22,000 distributors and 250,000 customers, which generated a multiple six figure income, year after year.
Frazer has consulted for many different Network Marketing companies on their social media strategies and worked with some of the industry’s top earners on how they can utilize Free Facebook Strategies to turbo boost their efforts online as well as duplicate a system throughout their downline.
Vincenzo Sannipoli is a graduate from the Antwerp Management School, in Innovation & Entrepreneurship. After graduating, his entrepreneurial aspirations motivated him to turn to the Network Marketing and Internet Marketing industry to escape the rat race.
His business dramatically changed when he discovered the power of Facebook Marketing. In less than 10 months he was able to generate 3,000+ prospects, earn $25,000+ in gross income and build a Fan Page of 20,000+ followers.
Now he consistently makes a 5-Figure monthly income only using Facebook Ads and teaches those strategies to countless Network Marketers and Internet Marketers from all over the world.

Vincenzo Sannipoli
Network Marketing Professional,
Attraction Marketing Trainer,
Paid Facebook Strategies Expert
The Simplest And Most Effective Strategy To Literally Skyrocket Your Business...

So Do You Want To Get The Entire
5-Step Success Formula Now And Finally Explode Your Network Marketing Business?

- Facebook DO NOT Checklist: Everything You Should NOT Do On Facebook If You Wanna Attract Highly Targeted Prospects To You
- Facebook Facelift: The Facebook 'Operation' That Will Make You Look As Attractive As Possible In The Eyes Of Your Prospects
- The Perfect Fan Page: How To Set Up A Fan Page Like The Pros And Attract Endless Prospects To It

- Where To Post On Facebook: 3 Places To Post To Make Sure Your Potential Prospects See Your Posts
- What To Post And When To Post On Facebook: Learn Exactly What To Post And The Best Times During The Day To Post
- The Perfect Posts For Your Fan Page: Learn What The Pros Are Posting On Their Successful Fan Pages

- How To Identify Time Wasters: 4 Red Flags That Will Immediately Help You Recognize Deadbeat Prospects
- What To Say To Your New Friend: Learn Exactly How To Properly Connect With Your Prospects
- People That Comment On Your Ads: Learn The Killer Message To Send Them

- How To Get Your Friend Onto Video: The Perfect Way To Connect With Your Prospects
- What To Say On The Video Call: Learn Exactly How To Master The Video Call With Your Prospects

- Closing Do NOTs Checklist: What You Should NOT DO When Closing Your Prospects
- The Closing Question: The Number 1 Closing Question Used By 6 & 7-Figure Earners
- The Last Thing To Say: What Exactly Will Turn Your Prospect Into A Customer Or Distributor